• İstanbul - İzmir / Turkiye
  • +90(232) 501 17 23
  • info@demiralmakina.com.tr


TT Magazin

DEMİRAL News published in TT Magazine

TT Magazin

Interview with M. Tarkan DEMİRAL, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DEMİRAL, published in TT Magazine.

DEMİRAL Chairman of the Board of Directors M. Tarkan Demiral is on Bloomberg HT Main News! (May 2016)

Demiral Makina Chairman of the Board of Directors M.Tarkan DEMİRAL is the guest of Bloomberg HT on "The Importance of Human Resources in Technology".

Push the Limits Event with DEMİRAL (May 2016)

Images from Demiral Makina's PUSH THE LIMITS event.